August 22, 2012

With school starting over the next few weeks across both Oklahoma and the rest of the country, now is when parents will be scrambling to buy new clothes, school supplies, backpacks, and more for their child. Something very important can get lost in all that activity, though—a back-to-school dental visit, complete with a professional cleaning.

But right now is actually the best time to schedule such a visit with Grand Dental in El Reno.


Because it can be much harder to find the time when school finally ramps up. Later on, homework, school projects, and extracurricular activities like sports or theater will all be competing for your and your child’s time. By scheduling your child or teenager’s back-to-school dental visit now, it’s easier for you to give him or her essential care.

What dental visit and professional cleanings do is give our doctors a chance to get to know your child’s smile all over again. During a checkup, we’ll check for signs of gum disease, tooth decay, and other common oral health conditions, any one of which should be treated as soon as possible. If not treated soon enough, your child’s oral health could worse, requiring more extensive treatment later and potentially affecting overall health.

Call Grand Dental El Reno to schedule your child’s back-to-school visit. We’re proud to serve patients from all across Canadian County.