In the past, if a patient came to see a dentist with a severely broken or decayed tooth, they would repair it using a dental crown. This restoration would often be made of silver or gold, and while it helped strengthen the tooth and save it from extraction, it looked anything but natural. Thankfully, dental materials have advanced by leaps and bounds over the decades, enabling dentists to provide lifelike crowns made of 100% white porcelain. Now, in addition to fixing damaged teeth, crowns can also be used to correct common cosmetic imperfections to create a more beautiful and confident smile.
But First, What Exactly Is a Dental Crown?
A dental crown is a type of dental prosthetic that is shaped to look and function just like a natural tooth. They literally fit over the top of a tooth, which is how they get their name. Custom-designed by dentists to ensure the perfect look and fit, crowns made using modern materials are able to recreate the appearance and strength of real enamel down to the finest detail, giving patients the best of both worlds when it comes to their dental care.
How Dental Crowns Can Make Your Smile Shine
Today, all-porcelain dental crowns can be used to address a wide array of aesthetic problems and make them disappear, including:
- Stains that don’t respond to bleaching
- Teeth that are misshapen or smaller than those around it
- Teeth that have superficial chips or cracks
- Slightly misaligned teeth that stick out in the smile
Basically, with the right dentist, dental crowns can be used to give patients a more uniform and attractive smile, ensuring they always feel confident whenever they show off their teeth.
Could Your Smile Benefit from a Dental Crown?
If you’re unhappy with your smile because of a less than perfect tooth that instantly sticks out, then a porcelain crown specially-made for you might be exactly what you need. Schedule a consultation with a cosmetic dentist in your area, tell them what you would like to change about your teeth, and they’ll go over all of your treatment options. If they recommend a crown, the process of designing and placing it will only take two quick visits, and afterward, you’ll have an enhanced smile that you can trust to last for decades.
Dental crowns aren’t just for restorative dentistry anymore! Now, they can deliver truly stunning results and create the kind of smile you’ve always wanted, turning a pesky flaw into a distant memory.
About the Author
Dr. Adam Cohlmia is a family and cosmetic dentist based in El Reno, OK. At his practice, he strives to give his patients smiles that are both healthy AND beautiful, which is why he provides a wide array of services including various cosmetic treatments. If you want the kind of smile that always lights up the room, he’s more than ready to give it to you, and you can get started by contacting him today.