The Best and Worst Foods for a Healthy Smile

August 14, 2013

Healthy eating
goes for more than just your body. It’s important to consider your smile when making your food choices. Certain foods can increase your risk of decay, while certain foods can help to protect your smile. At El Reno Family Dentistry, we want to inform our patients of these important food facts.

If you’re going to eat foods that contain a lot of sugar, it is best to eat them with your meal instead of as a snack. At meals, you produce more saliva than at other times, which helps to neutralize the acid and provide your smile a little more protection.

Tea is a better beverage choice than carbonated sodas, which contain a lot of sugar than can erode the enamel on your teeth. Both green and black teas contain polyphenols that interact with bacteria in plaque, helping to kill or at least prevent them from producing acid that can harm your teeth.

Fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber are also a great smile choice. Fiber helps to stimulate saliva production as well as help to clean your mouth. Saliva helps to neutralize acids in your mouth and stop them from harming your smile.

Your smile health can be impacted by the foods you’re eating and how they’re eating them. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll see how these simple tips can help to improve your smile. If you have any questions or want to know more, please give us a call.

Interested in learning more about general dentistry or scheduling your next appointment? Call us today at El Reno Family Dentistry. Our office is located in El Reno and serves patients from El Reno, Yukon, Minco, Calumet, Hinton, and other communities in the Canadian County.