How Fast Can I Get Dentures After Having Teeth Removed?

July 9, 2024

older man pondering

Dentures are truly life-changing for people who are missing most or all of their teeth. As you can imagine, once someone realizes they need them, they don’t want to wait! However, most patients require tooth extractions beforehand, and the mouth needs to fully heal before the final prosthetic can be fitted. So how long does a patient have to wait to get dentures after their teeth have been removed? You’ll find all the details here.

Worth the Wait

A dentist will usually recommend that any remaining damaged or decayed teeth be removed before a patient is fitted with a denture. This is the case because it creates more room for the prosthetic and gets rid of natural teeth that likely can’t be restored.

In many cases, a patient can be fitted with a temporary denture on the day of their extractions so they walk out of the office with teeth. This protects the sensitive soft tissues while they heal and enables a patient to benefit from having teeth right away.

Once the swelling has gone down and the gums appear to be stable and healthy, the dentist will start the process of creating the final denture (which will look more natural and fit more comfortably than the temporary).

It can take about a month and up to six months for the mouth to be ready for the permanent denture depending on the patient and how closely they follow the dentist’s instructions following extraction. There also might be a longer wait if the patient is getting a dental implant denture, as the new tooth roots usually require about three to six months to bond with the jawbone.

How to Speed Up the Process

Of course, no one likes to wait, especially when it comes to restoring their smile! To help the mouth become ready for a permanent denture as quickly as possible, a patient should:

  • Follow all of their dentist’s instructions immediately after extractions
  • Wear the temporary denture as directed
  • Practice consistent oral hygiene
  • Clean the temporary every day
  • Take medications as instructed
  • Attend recommended follow-ups with their dentist

This approach will enable the body to heal relatively fast and prevent infection, which can severely delay the timeline.

Countless Smiles to Come

Once in place, a permanent denture can last for several years, allowing a patient to enjoy countless meals and conversations with friends and loved ones. While the process might feel slow initially, recovering your smile and bite will certainly be worth the wait in the end.

About the Author

Dr. Krysten Jackson and Dr. Eric Parsons are husband-and-wife restorative and implant dentists who graduated from the University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry. Dr. Jackson completed an Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency there, and Dr. Parsons is constantly training to use the latest technology to deliver the most comfortable and effective treatment possible. If you’d like to learn more about getting a denture or explore our other options for replacing missing teethschedule an appointment at El Reno Family Dentistry today.