A toothache is the absolute last thing anyone wants to deal with right now while we’re all stuck at home due to the quarantine for COVID-19. Around the country, dental offices have mostly closed and are only seeing patients for major emergencies, so if your tooth starts to feel a little pain, you’ll likely have to handle it on your own for the time being. Thankfully, avoiding this kind of mishap and other similar issues is relatively easy if you maintain proper dental hygiene, and you can do exactly that by following these simple tips.
1. Twice a Day for Two Minutes Each
Ideally, you should be brushing your teeth twice a day—once in the morning right after you get up, and once in the evening right before you go to bed. The first session removes all the bacteria that builds up in your mouth while you’re sleeping, and the second cleans away the debris left by the food you’ve eaten throughout the day. Each one is important, but so is brushing for two minutes each time. If you have an electric brush, a built-in timer probably has you doing this already, but you likely need a little help if you use a manual brush. Be sure to set a timer with your phone. Two minutes is a lot longer than you might think, and going for this length of time will ensure you get the deepest clean.
2. Say Hello to Dental Floss
If you brush your teeth and don’t floss in the evening, how much of your enamel do you think is left uncleaned? Probably not that much, right? 5%? 10%? In truth, that number is an astounding 40%! That’s like bathing and leaving most of your legs unwashed. Flossing removes all the food and plaque trapped between your teeth that your brush can’t reach, and skipping it puts you at a much higher risk of developing cavities and gum disease. If you floss sometimes already, now is the time to make it a daily habit, and if you don’t floss at all, try doing it a few days a week and then working up to every day. You’ll likely love how your mouth feels once you floss consistently (plus your family will appreciate your much fresher breath)!
3. Watch Out for Sugar
Cavities and gum disease essentially have the same primary cause: harmful bacteria builds up in your mouth and starts to damage the oral tissues. What does the bacteria need for fuel? Sugar. So, when you regularly eat foods or drink beverages that are high in sugar (candies, starchy items, sodas, energy drinks), you’re basically giving the bacteria the energy it needs to hurt your smile. While the occasional sweet treat is perfectly OK, you may be tempted to consume more of them while you’re at home. Make sure you and your loved ones limit snacking and are still enjoying healthy meals that mostly feature vegetables and lean meats, and this (along with daily brushing and flossing) will stop cavities and infections before they ever begin.
Of course, if you ever have a concern or develop any kind of dental pain, you can always call your dentist for help. If you can’t handle the situation at home, they’ll schedule an appointment and take plenty of extra precautions to ensure everyone stays safe while they solve your problem.
About the Author
Dr. Adam Cohlmia is a family, restorative, and emergency dentist who practices at El Reno Family Dentistry. His office is only seeing patients for urgent care right now, but you’re welcome to call any time if you have questions or concerns. To get in touch with our friendly team, click here.