One of the biggest reasons that Invisalign is so popular is that it’s designed to fit seamlessly into any lifestyle. The trays practically disappear when worn, there are no diet restrictions, and patients can even take Invisalign off whenever they want. All of these claims are true, but what is living with Invisalign actually like? Does it change how you eat? How you speak? How you sleep? Below, you’ll find answers to some of the most common questions concerning day to day life with Invisalign.
What is eating with Invisalign like?
With Invisalign, a patient can eat whatever they want! They just have to take their trays out before that first bite and remember to put them back in after they are finished. Because of this, it’s wise for a patient to always bring a small, hard carrying case for their trays wherever they go. Just leaving the trays on a table or napkin is a good way to get them lost or damaged! Also, after someone is done with their meal, they should ideally brush their teeth, or at least rinse their mouth, before putting their trays back in so food particles don’t become trapped against their teeth.
Can I drink whatever I want while wearing Invisalign?
While you are wearing your Invisalign trays, you shouldn’t eat anything and only drink water. The trays aren’t strong enough to stand up to chewing, and drinking beverages like coffee, wine, or soda can potentially stain them. Plus, this allows sugars to become trapped between the trays and teeth, which can increase a person’s risk for cavities. If you’re going to consume anything other than water, be sure to take your trays off.
Will Invisalign change how I speak?
Every Invisalign treatment is custom-made for each patient to ensure a comfortable fit, but for some, it will alter their speech initially. Some patients develop a slight lisp or have trouble saying a few syllables just after beginning the treatment, but thankfully, this will go away after a few days. To speed up the adjustment process, a patient can practice by reading out loud or even singing with their trays.
Is it OK to sleep while wearing Invisalign?
Yes, in fact, it’s recommended! For Invisalign to be as effective as possible, a patient should wear their trays for about 22 hours a day, as in they should only take them out to eat and clean their teeth. Wearing the trays at night may cause increased saliva production, but patients can prevent this by slightly propping their head up at night until their mouth adjusts.
Compared to metal braces, Invisalign requires a person to make relatively small changes to their daily life. You just have to remember to take your trays out whenever you eat and clean them at the end of the day, which only involves gently brushing them with some colorless hand soap. Other than that, it’s business as usual, and you’ll see a perfectly straight smile in the mirror before you know it!
About the Author
Dr. Adam Cohlmia is a general, restorative, and cosmetic dentist who currently practices at El Reno Family Dentistry. He and his team offer a wide range of treatments to help our patients improve the health and appearance of their smiles, and this includes Invisalign. If you’re thinking about straightening your teeth and DON’T want to get metal braces, contact him today to learn how to get started with Invisalign.