General & Family Dentistry in El Reno

How Lasers Have Changed Dentistry

July 18, 2021

close-up of gums receiving laser dentistry in El Reno

For many people, hearing about a dentist using lasers to treat their patients sounds like something straight out of science-fiction, but it’s an everyday reality here at El Reno Family Dentistry! Laser dentistry in El Reno allows our team to perform several procedures more efficiently and comfortably than ever before, and to learn more about how this technology may influence your dental care in the future, read on.


There’s More to BOTOX Than Cosmetic Improvements

June 17, 2021

mature woman getting Botox in El Reno

When you hear the word “Botox,” what comes to mind? Probably an image of a beautiful person with a flawless, wrinkle-free face. While removing annoying fine lines is certainly the most popular way Botox is used these days, this wasn’t always the case. In fact, it is still frequently utilized to solve a host of non-cosmetic medical issues. Read on below to learn how Botox can help you do more than simply turn back the hands of time.


Meet Our New Dentist!

May 7, 2021

Dr. Eric Parsons, cosmetic dentist in El Reno

The El Reno Family Dentistry team is growing! Dr. Eric Parsons recently joined our practice, and he’s eager to work alongside our excellent team (which includes his fiancé and fellow dentist, Dr. Krysten Jackson). Dr. Parsons can’t wait to get to know the community better and start building long-lasting relationships with local families. Before you meet him in person, you can learn a little more about him in today’s blog.


Your Dentist Can Protect You From More Than Just Cavities

April 3, 2021

oral cancer awareness month

Most people think that the worst possible news they could get from their dentist is that they have a cavity. While this certainly isn’t pleasant, it’s far from the most severe issue a dentist may discover. As part of your regular checkup, your dentist will be on the lookout for a disease that claims one life each and every hour here in the US: oral cancer. What causes oral cancer? How can you avoid it? Why is your dentist searching for it? The answers to these questions and more are the focus of today’s blog.


Childhood Diet Tips Every Parent Should Know

March 8, 2021

cute young girl eating yogurt

When talking about a child’s oral health, a lot of focus (rightly) is placed on hygiene, but what isn’t emphasized as much is just how important diet is for the growing smile. March is actually National Nutrition Month, so it’s the perfect time to look at your child’s diet and see where things could be improved. Thankfully, when it comes to their teeth and gums, small changes can deliver big benefits, and your dentist in El Reno is going to share a few in today’s blog.


What Every Parent Needs to Know About Taking Care of Their Child’s Teeth

February 8, 2021

young boy brushing teeth with dad

When most people think about February, images of hearts, chocolates, and romance probably come to mind thanks to Valentine’s Day. But, did you know that February is also National Children’s Dental Health Month? This is a time when dentists, teachers, and parents all come together to raise awareness of the importance of pediatric dental care. In this spirit, here are the 5 most essential things to remember when it comes to your children’s dental health in El Reno.


Why Regular Dental Appointments Matter (Even More in 2021)

January 22, 2021

male patient smiling in dental chair

Have you scheduled your next checkup and cleaning? With everything else that is going on in your life, it’s no surprise if you haven’t put a dental appointment on the calendar. But, it’s important that you do so soon, not just for your dental health in El Reno, but your overall wellbeing, too! Read on to learn why attending regular dental appointments is more important than ever in 2021.


Look & Feel Your Best in 2021 with These Simple Dental Hygiene Tips

December 15, 2020

family brushing teeth together

Instead of killing yourself at the gym starting in January like many others, you can just change up your dental hygiene routine if you’re hoping to look and feel your best in 2021. Brushing and flossing properly cannot only give you an eye-catching smile, but research shows that it can protect your overall health as well! Your dentist in El Reno shares how this works below and offers easy tips that you can start using today.
