One of the worst things about dental pain is that you can’treally get away from it. You feel it at home, at work, and it’s even waitingfor you when you wake up in the morning. And,if you’re like most people, you probably have no clue why your tooth is hurtingin the first place! Fortunately, that’s where your emergency dentist in El Renocan help. Here are the 4 most common types of dental pain, what they mightmean, and what you should do about them.
1. Temperature Sensitivity
Do your teeth only hurt when they’re exposed to hot or cold temperatures? If so, then how long does the sensitivity last? If it’s only for a few seconds, then it’s likely that some of your teeth have worn-down enamel, exposing the sensitive nerve. Switching to a sensitive tooth toothpaste can help with this problem, as can limiting your consumption of really hot, cold, or acidic drinks.
However, if the sensitivity seems to linger, perhaps for about 20-30 seconds, this could mean that the tooth is either cracked or has an infection. In this case, it’s best to give your dentist a call before the pain becomes worse.
2. Dull, Persistent Pain
This is the most common type of dental pain, and once again, its duration should be noted. Does it hurt for a little while and then stop, or is the pain constant? Do certain foods or actions trigger it? Do you feel it in just one tooth or several?
If the pain is both minor and constant, you might just have something stuck between your teeth, in which case you should rinse and floss around it. If the pain doesn’t go away, then you might have a cavity that needs to be treated. Or, if the pain extends from your teeth down into your jaw, this could be a sign that you’re grinding them while you sleep. Your dentist can help with this problem as well by giving you a protective nightguard.
3. “Jabbing” Pain
This is the kind of pain that is really intense for a second or two and then quickly goes away. Try to notice what causes it to occur. Does the hurting tooth have a filling or crown? If so, this could be an indicator that the restoration has come loose or even fallen off.
Sudden, sharp pain is most often due to physical damage to the enamel, such as a crack or fracture. It’s best to call your dentist right away when experiencing jabbing pain as any damaged enamel will only grow weaker over time.
4. Intense, Throbbing Pain
This type of pain usually prevents people from focusing on just about anything else. It can stem from an injury or serious dental infection, but in either case, you should call your dentist in El Reno for an emergency appointment as soon as possible. They’ll help get rid of the pain right away and then work to treat the underlying cause so it doesn’t come back.
The key thing to remember is to not just ignore your dental pain as this will inevitably allow it to become worse. If it’s relatively minor, see if you can make a few adjustments to help, but don’t hesitate to call your dentist if it persists. They can provide the long-term relief you need so you have one less thing to worry about!
About the Author
Dr. Adam Cohlmia is a family, restorative, and emergency dentist based in El Reno. If you’re experiencing any kind of dental pain, he’s ready to help you right away and can schedule a same-day appointment if necessary. To learn more tips about dealing with dental pain or schedule an appointment to get immediate relief, Dr. Cohlmia can be contacted through his website.